When the Starry Wand comes out Fortnite


Hi guys! Have you ever wondered when the Starry Wand will return to the store? Fortnite? Well today we have the answer! It doesn't matter if they call it "Starry Wand" or "Star Peak", it is the same peak. But, when will it be available again?

When the starry wand comes out
When the starry wand comes out

When the star peak comes out Fortnite

Well, there seems to be an interesting pattern here. If we look at the sales history, we see that it usually comes back every 30 to 50 days. That's great to know!

Based on this pattern, we estimate that the Starry Wand should return to the store between the 24th and 31st of this month. However, remember that this is not 100% certain, but it is a good estimate. So, stay tuned to the store!

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