
How to Get Free Gems Brawl Stars

What's up! Today at Projaker, we are going to find out how to load your gem wallets on Brawl Stars without spending a single peso. Yes, totally FREE and legal!

So, get ready to boost your game and be the envy of all your friends!

brawl stars

New Codes of Brawl Stars to recharge Gems

How to get free gems brawl stars
How to get free gems brawl stars

What are gems and why are they important?

For those new to this universe, gems are like gold in Brawl Stars; They are super necessary to unlock cool things like Brawlers, skins and boxes. With gems, you can basically make your gaming experience much more fun and varied.

Step by step to get free gems

  1. Let the level rise: To begin with, the most direct way to get free gems in Brawl Stars is by playing and advancing in the free Brawl Pass. Reach different levels and the gems will be all yours. Here I show you how you can fill up with gems just by advancing levels:
    • Level One: Boom! 10 gems.
    • Level One: Bam! 20 gems.
    • Level One: Boom! 10 gems.
    • Level One: Wham! 20 gems.
    • Level One: Boom! 10 gems.
    • Level One: Phew! 20 gems. In the end, if you push yourself to level 51, you can accumulate up to 90 gems in one season!
  2. Cleverly progress your game: In addition to simply playing, I have some extra tricks for you to become the king or queen of Brawl Stars:
    • Choose your Brawler wisely: Every map has its joke, and some Brawlers work better on certain maps than others. For example, on open maps, better choose someone with good attack range.
    • Play better with friends: Before you start, plan with your friends which Brawlers each of you will take to create the best team strategy.
    • Improve your Brawler: Leveling up your Brawlers is vital. Upon reaching Level 7, you will unlock Gadget Slots that you can purchase with gems and that will give you extra advantages such as healing faster or recharging attacks.
  3. Strategy and caution with bushes: Always, but always, check the bushes when starting a game. A preemptive shot can save you from a hidden enemy waiting to surprise you.

And there you have it! By following these simple steps you will not only get free gems, but you will also improve your game in Brawl Stars. Remember, the secret is to play smart and take advantage of every opportunity the game offers.

What can you buy with gems?

Hey! Have you ever wondered what wonders you can unlock with gems in Brawl Stars? Well get ready, because today, right here I am going to reveal to you everything you can get with those precious gems. And trust me, you won't want to miss it!

  1. Brawl pass: With the Brawl Pass you can obtain exclusive rewards by advancing levels during the season. And for that you need gems!
  2. Skins or appearances for your Brawlers: There are a lot of super cool skins that you can buy to make your characters look spectacular.
  3. Brawl Boxes and Mega Boxes: These boxes contain surprises such as power points and new Brawlers. Using gems here can speed up your progress by giving you more resources.
  4. Improvements and power-ups: You can use gems to buy power points and level up your Brawlers faster.
  5. Special offers in store: Sometimes special offers appear in the in-game store that can only be purchased with gems. These offers can include Brawlers, skins, and much more.

Do not wait more! Start collecting those gems and be surprised by everything you can unlock with them!

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