Valid characters for cod mobile


Call Of Duty Mobile is a Battle Royale shooter that consists of 100 players falling from a plane who will fight to survive while the safe zone shrinks. This smartphone version has a very large map, where you can choose all kinds of resources. In addition, this nostalgic saga compiles game modes that we have seen in previous releases of Call Of Duty, so it has been a complete success. 

Being a world-class game and with an excessively large community, all users of the community are looking for a way to create an original Nickname for their profiles, in such a way that they can be distinguished among all that litter of players and can create a good popularity among the higher ranking CoD Mobile. All users want to have a pro and original nickname, however, we must take into account what are the valid characters for Call of Duty Mobile.

Valid characters for cod mobile letters for call of duty mobile
Valid characters for cod mobile

What are the valid characters for COD Mobile

Special characters are an alternative that has been implemented in most shooters in order to create an original name among the entire gaming community. Having symbols and special characters has been considered by the community as nicks pros.

In order to create a symbol, it is necessary to have access to the ASCII code, which was constantly used to make combinations of some keyboard symbols. Now we can easily copy the special characters from our Smartphone, however, within Call Of Duty Mobile only some are valid: 

  • 〈〈《》 「」 『』 【〔〕 ︵ ︶ ︸ ︹ ︺ ︻ ︼ ︽ ︾ ︿ ﹀ ﹁﹁ ﹂﹃ ﹄﹙﹙﹚ ﹛﹛﹜ ﹝ ﹞ ﹤ ﹥ () < > {{
  • ❥ ❤ ♡ ۵ ♥ ❣ ღ ლ ❦ ❧ ☙ დ
  • ✾ ✽ ✣ ✤ ❀ ✿ ❃ ❁ ❋ ❊ ⚜ ✥ ✻ ✼ ❇ ❈ ❉ ⚘ ⁕ ꙮ ꕤ ꕥ ☘

We can also use applications like "Nickname Generator" or "Fsymbols" which are extremely useful to create a name with valid special characters according to your name in real life or any feature you want to put there. 

In this way we can use the special characters in CoD Mobile and create an original name. 

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