United Kingdom Coordinates Pokemon Go


Hello coaches! Pokemon Go! If you've been looking for the best coordinates in the UK to catch rare and exciting Pokémon, you're in the right place.

Next, I will introduce you best coordinates Pokemon Go where you can find interesting species and improve your Pokédex. Get ready for the adventure!

United Kingdom Coordinates Pokemon Go
nest coordinates pokemon go

United Kingdom Coordinates Pokemon Go

  1. Big Ben, London (51.5007° N, 0.1246° W): In this iconic location, it is possible to find flying and psychic type Pokémon, such as Pidgeot and Hypno. Plus, if you're lucky, you might run into a Dragonite, one of the most powerful and sought-after Pokémon in the game.
  2. Hyde Park, London (51.5074° N, 0.1657° W): This beautiful park is known for being the home of Pokémon such as Vaporeon and Jolteon, two evolutions of Eevee. Additionally, you will find a wide variety of water species, such as Lapras and Gyarados.
  3. Stonehenge, Salisbury (51.1789° N, 1.8262° W): This mysterious place is home to Rock and Ground-type Pokémon, such as Onix, Kabuto, and Geodude. You're also likely to come across an Aerodactyl, an extremely rare living fossil.
  4. British Museum, London (51.5194° N, 0.1269° W): In this culturally rich location, you can find ghost and psychic-type Pokémon, such as Gastly and Haunter. Additionally, there's a good chance of running into an Alakazam, a powerful psychic Pokémon.
  5. Edinburgh Castle, Edinburgh (55.9486° N, 3.1999° W): If you visit this impressive castle, you will be able to capture dragon and flying type Pokémon. Among them are Charizard and Dragonair, two powerful and admired species.

Remember that the availability of Pokémon in these locations may vary, so don't be discouraged if you don't find them right away. Keep exploring and keep your eyes peeled!

Take advantage of these coordinates in the United Kingdom and catch the most incredible Pokémon! Have fun, make new friends, and continue your quest to be the best trainer ever. Good luck and let the adventure continue!

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