
Best Shortcuts Stumble Guys

Stumble Guys is a Party/Royale mode game developed in 2021 by the Kitka Games company, seeking to create a platform very similar to the successful Fall Guys, only adapted for mobile devices with Android and IOS systems.

Stumble Guys It consists of a group of users who compete in a series of rounds full of many obstacles, each round with a limited number of survivors in order to find the final winner. 

Best Shortcuts Stumble Guys
Best Shortcuts Stumble Guys

The 3 best shortcuts for Stumble Guys

This prestigious game has more than 17 scenarios, each one with different obstacles to have variety in terms of game modes. However, due to details regarding the development of the environments by Kitka Games, some scenarios have certain passageways that can help us avoid obstacles in several rounds and thus climb faster in the game. 

Pool level:

This level is completely full of obstacles on the slides, however, it has a development error, if we place our character on the banks of the slides, they will not fall into the void and we will be able to dodge all the obstacles while running to the finish line. 

Snow level:

Despite being one of the most difficult levels because our character is constantly slipping, we can use the ice blocks to our advantage, if we stand behind the frozen walls, we can calculate an exact direction to be hit hard until the areas close to the end goal. 

Space level:

We can jump from one platform to another without using the stone, we just have to run as fast as possible and push ourselves. 

Use these 3 methods to be able to take advantage of all your opponents in the game and win all the possible rounds of Stumble Guys. 

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